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All HHCD residents are invited to attend the events listed.
HHCD EVENTS March 2023
Open to all Holsten residents
unless otherwise specified
Holiday BINGO Sponsored by Anthony Todd!!!
EVERY Wednesday@ 2:00 PM
Bingo is a virtual event that takes place over the phone (no app required, just a regular phone). Call 267.930.4000 passcode 794-630-275. Stop by any HHCD office for a Bingo Card or email
Summer Youth Jobs
Come to the 545 West Division HHCD and learn about the different summer opportunities for people ages 13-24. Develop a plan for your child can have a productive safe summer. Call Steve Zupin (312-858-7420) to schedule an appointment.
Did you know?
- HHCD offers Mandolin, Computer, and learn to use your phone lessons. Contact Steve Zupin at 312.858.7420
- Anthony Todd offers homemaking services, Stop by HHCD office for more information
- Get job leads by contacting, or join HHCD email list to get calendars and updates
- HHCD can renew your RTA bus cards, help you get TAP, and assist you with SSI applications
- Need counseling? HHCD offer free private counseling services with LCSW
- HHCD has masks, adult undergarments, and other free items available stop by!!
- HHCD can help you with rent assistance (court base rental assistance program)
Smart 911/Libby Sign Up
This will be a presentation and sign up session for Libby and Smart911. Thursday, March 9th at 2:00 in the 545 W Division Office. Libby is a program that allows you to listen to audiobooks and e-books for free. is a program that improves your safety in an emergency.
Parent Support Group
Thursday – March 16th 2:00 pm
Being a parent can be a very challenging. How do you raise emotionally healthy children? Come share your tips and questions with other parents. This event will take place in the 545 W Division office.
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Holsten Human Capital Development, NFP
1034 West Montrose Ave.
Chicago, IL 60613
(312) 274-9144