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All HHCD residents are invited to attend the events listed.
HHCD EVENTS February 2023
Open to all Holsten residents
unless otherwise specified
Holiday BINGO Sponsored by Anthony Todd!!!
EVERY Wednesday@ 2:00 PM
Bingo is a virtual event that takes place over the phone (no app required, just a regular phone). Call 267.930.4000 passcode 794-630-275. Stop by any HHCD office for a Bingo Card or email
Painting while discussing “Stroke Prevention”
Thursday February 16th 2:00pm
Learn to paint a picture. This is a beginner class. During painting Global Executive Council Services will be discussing “Stroke Prevention”. Please call Steve Zupin at 312-858-7420 to reserve your space.
Did you know?
- HHCD offers Mandolin, Computer, and learn to use your phone lessons. Contact Steve Zupin at 312.858.7420
- Anthony Todd offers homemaking services, Stop by HHCD office for more information
- Get job leads by contacting, or join HHCD email list to get calendars and updates
- HHCD can renew your RTA bus cards, help you get TAP, and assist you with SSI applications
- Need counseling? HHCD offer free private counseling services with LCSW
- HHCD has masks, adult undergarments, and other free items available stop by!!
- HHCD can help you with rent assistance (court base rental assistance program)
Power of Attorney-Sponsored by Elder Law
Come to the 545 West Division HHCD Conference Room on Thursday February 2nd at 2:00 pm and learn about Power of Attorney. This event starts the process to meet with lawyers for free to get an Power of Attorney..
Housekeeping and Tidying up
Thursday February 23rd 2:00 pm
Come share your techniques and learn from others about how to tidying up your apartment. This workshop will be discussing different techniques from Maria Kondo’s book called “the life changing magic of tidying up”.
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Holsten Human Capital Development, NFP
1034 West Montrose Ave.
Chicago, IL 60613
(312) 274-9144