The Fanciest Shindig
you’ve ever gone to …
without going to!
Jackie Holsten & the HHCD Board of Directors invite you to join us in celebrating HHCD’s
10th Annual Community Sustainability Awards & the 40th Anniversary of Peter Holsten
. . . By Not Coming!
By supporting this non-event, you can save yourself the cost of a smashing outfit . . . babysitting money and the pizza . . . Uber rides or parking . . . and the hassle of convincing someone to go with you!
For this unique year of 2020, instead of hosting our annual fundraising event, we’re hoping to funnel as much money as possible into our HHCD mission of providing comprehensive resident social services to families, youth, seniors, and homeless at-risk individuals. Our goal is to raise funds to help with moving the 500 residents of Lawson – most are moving up from homelessness – who will be temporarily relocated while their room at Lawson undergoes total renovation. Once complete, the residents will have (many for the first time) an apartment with a kitchen and bath! HHCD will provide transportation of the residents and their few personal belongings from and back into their apartment … and we hope to assist with getting them a box of start-up basics for the kitchen & bath – basics that you and I might take for granted.
I wish to share with you some of the positive happenings at the 14 HHCD sites (serving over 3,000 residents) that have helped us make it through these difficult times. HHCD has risen to the challenge. Our focus has been on mitigating the spread of COVID-19, implementing government-mandated safety practices, and encouraging all to do the same. Since March, our social events have been canceled – events that are the only source of socialization for many of our residents. We’ve come to understand that our residents with underlying health issues have a heightened sense of anxiety and loneliness during this stay-at-home mandate. In an effort to alleviate this issue, our HHCD staff continues to be proactive in making wellness checks on our residents by phone; during the height of the shut-in, they delivered meals to our seniors and families in need. While observing social distancing guidelines, our Healthy Eating and Living (HEAL) Food Pantry, located at our River Walk Homes location in Joliet, continues to serve fresh and canned food to an increasing number of residents from River Walk Homes and the Will County area.
A big shout out to All Chicago, which helped facilitate rental assistance for many of our clients; to True Rock Ministries, which help feed and provide PPE to our Hilliard residents; to the City of Chicago’s ward initiatives for PPE; to the Chinese American Service League (CASL) for their generous multiple weeks of donations of hundreds of meals to our senior and family residents of Hilliard Homes; to Jackie Hayes who continued her “Jackie’s Meals” to residents of Lawson; and to the Lakeview Pantry which arranged for both senior and family residents of Wilson Yard Apartments to get three-course meals prepared by top restaurants Anne Sather, Lady Gregory’s, and Cosby’s Kitchen!
Our residents, at all our locations, might not have survived hunger, remained in their apartments, or learned how to be safe during COVID, were it not for the generous gifts and donations made possible by our supporters like you.
Please support our 2020 Non-Event Fundraiser with a generous gift!
which is tax deductible as allowed by law.
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Holsten Human Capital Development, NFP
1034 West Montrose Ave.
Chicago, IL 60613
(312) 274-9144